Man Flu

Thursday 20 October 2011 10:41 Posted by Lil Miss Millie
Man Flu

It started with a sniffle
Followed by a sneeze or two
But within a matter of hours
You came down with man flu

First you put on a brave face
You even tried to smile
But it got the better of you
You have got the man flu

Straight upstairs to bed you went
Tucked up with your teddy Brent
And there you’ll stay for a week or two
It’s terrible to have man flu

You lie and laze about all day
Yet my cold has cleared away
What on earth are we going to do?
It must be hard to have man flu

You deserve an Oscar, and that’s a fact
Your dying swan’s a fine old act
You poor fragile thing you
Suffering with the man flu

At this rate, recovery looks bleak
We are now starting the third week
And yet your eyes remain bright and blue
Even plagued, as you are with the man flu

Come on now, I’ve had enough
I am annoyed, I’m getting tough
I’m going scream till I turn blue
There’s no such thing as man flu!

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